Monday 15 December 2008


News reaches of an attempt to assasinate George Dubya during a press conference in Baghdad today. The President was Booted into touch by local journalist Muntadar Al-Zaidi, who Sneakered into the venue armed with a pair of Killer Heels following presumably months of Train-ering in a local shoe emporium. 
The President sidestepped the attack accepting his 'Farewell Kiss' with good grace as several Special Agents pounced on Mr Al Zaidi, Wedge-ing him to the floor before he had the chance to give them the Slip-per. The President we hear was unable to Slingback the shoes in self-defence, but fortunately escaped unharmed.
Mr Al-Zaidi used the conference as a Platform to vent his anger over the war in Iraq, perhaps he should just have clogged on to ...

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